Vaginal Prolapse in Frisco & Plano, TX

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What is Vaginal Prolapse?

Aging, childbirth, and excessive weight can put stress on the internal female organs and cause what is known as a pelvic organ prolapse — specifically vaginal prolapse. If one part of the supportive network of muscles and ligaments in and around the vagina or bladder weakens, the organs inside the pelvis can fall, bulge or protrude into the vaginal canal. Our board-certified Frisco, TX urogynecologist, Dr. Aimee Nguyen, can assess and treat pelvic organ prolapse. The various types of prolapse include:

  • A uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus drops, and falls into the vagina.
  • A vaginal vault prolapse occurs in patients after a hysterectomy when the upper portion of the vagina collapses and descends into the vaginal canal.
  • A rectocele occurs when the rectum bulges into the vaginal canal.
  • An enterocele occurs when the small intestine bulges into the vaginal canal.

Vaginal Prolapse Symptoms

  • Discomfort or pressure when standing
  • Discomfort during intercourse
  • A feeling of heaviness or bulging into the vagina
  • Something protruding from the vagina (often a smooth, round ball)
  • Pulling or stretching in the pelvis
  • Difficulty urinating, slow, intermittent stream or incomplete emptying of the bladder
  • Incomplete emptying after bowel movements

Causes of Vaginal prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse often happens with aging and after childbirth when the muscles and tissues of the vagina are weakened. However, it may also be caused by heavy lifting, chronic straining with constipation, chronic coughing, or having weak genetic tissue. 

NDU Treatment Options

Posterior Colporrhaphy (Posterior Repair) - A posterior colporrhaphy is a surgical vaginal procedure to fix a rectocele (dropped rectum). It repairs the wall between the vagina and the rectum. 

Vaginal Vault Suspension - Surgical repair of vaginal vault prolapse by attaching the top of the vagina to ligaments in the pelvis.

Abdominal Sacral Colpopexy - This operation is performed robotically or through the abdomen to support the top of the prolapsed vagina to the sacrum.

Colpocleisis - Total colpocleisis involves closure of the vagina in patients that have complete vaginal vault prolapse (dropped top wall of the vagina). A Leforte colpocleisis can be performed for patients who have uterine prolapse (dropped uterus). These vaginal procedures can be done as an outpatient under local anesthesia. These procedures are options for patients that are medically fragile and are not sexually active.

Uterine Prolapse - Involves a hysterectomy followed by a uterosacral vaginal vault suspension or colpopexy to resupport where the uterus had dropped.

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vaginal Prolapse FAQs

Is Prolapse Preventable?

Since the cause of pelvic organ prolapse is still unclear, there’s no way to eliminate all risk. Doctors do advise maintaining a healthy weight, pelvic floor (kegel) exercises, eating plenty of fiber to avoid constipation and visiting your OBGYN for health check-ups on a regular basis. 

How Serious Is Prolapse?

Pelvic organ prolapse is easier to fix if it is diagnosed and treated early. In the early stages, prolapse can be treated conservatively with pelvic floor exercises or physical therapy. Without treatment, the prolapse will worsen overtime.

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